
Pay-as-you-go! No contracts, no hidden fees!
¿Cuántas habitaciones/unidades privadas tiene su propiedad en total?
¿Cuántas camas en total en dormitorios compartidos tiene su propiedad?
¡Pague anualmente y obtenga un 10% de descuento!
Costo Mensual Total



Unlimited Bookings


Unlimited Guests


Unlimited Users


Automatic Backups


and much more...

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any concerns or questions please take a look at our FAQ section, you may find your answer.
What types of accommodation properties can use CongoDesk?
CongoDesk offers a wide range of features and settings making it flexible to work with Small Hotels, Hostels, Motels, Lodges, Guest Houses, Vacation Rentals, Bed & Breakfast and pretty much any other accommodation property type.
How hard is it to set up and use CongoDesk?
Quick & Easy! One of our main goals was to create a powerful, but user-friendly Property Management System easy for everyone to use and understand. As far as the setup time goes, there isn’t much to it. Add your property’s information, set up rooms, rates and a little more and you’ll be up and running. We’ll be here to guide you through the process if you have any questions.
Do you offer a free demo of CongoDesk?
Yes! We offer a 30-day free trial without any restrictions. Play around with all the features and settings and if it fits your needs you can activate your account at any time.

Ready to get started? Start your Free 30-day trial now!

How much does CongoDesk cost?
We offer multiple plans to choose from and the pricing will vary depending on the number of rooms/beds your property has.

To calculate the cost for your property please head over to our Pricing calculator.

Are there any contracts?
Absolutely not! You can use CongoDesk for as long as you want. If you decide you no longer need it, you can cancel your subscription at any time free of charge.
Do I need to download any software to use CongoDesk?
No. Our application is fully web-based, which means it will work on any device (PC, Tablet or Mobile Phone) that has a web browser and an internet connection.
Can I control what my staff can do and access in CongoDesk?
Absolutely! You can create unlimited users and set custom roles taking full control of what each user is allowed to access.

Ready to get started?

Start your 30-day free trial today! No restrictions, no commitments!